Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sick today..... Sick tomorrow!

So many of you might guess what my post will be about today.
Illness. Sickness. Disease.
When we get any of these things it is rarely controllable. Something I do not tolerate well. I like to be in control of my life.
I admit, I may be slightly OCD in some areas.
One area is germs. I tend to be the woman you see at the grocery store wiping down the cart, sometimes those darn wheels aren't even clean enough. I tend to do an all over cleaning job on the poor thing. I will definitely be the woman you see with the sani-wipes in her purse along with the liquid gel in case that might not work.
My children tend to run from me because after the store, church, school or any other public area we have visited, I am always ready with the wipes. Sad thing is, some of them have also now picked up on the treacherous habit.
If you are behind me in church, on the bus or at a movie theatre and feel like hacking into the back of my hair. I will be that lady you see, turn around, and give you a thorough mean glare. Stop!
I do not like to eat food that has fallen on the floor- no matter how many seconds it was there. I do not share food or drinks with others except my husband (who is rarely sick) and I will always be the first one to ask for a individual salsa bowl.

So, I ask myself, since I am today and have been this whole week, sick with a very contagious cold. Why do others not feel the same way as I do about keeping their germs to themselves.

I see the nose runners, the hackers and the glass eyed ones with fevers wondering around town, not in bed like they should be, not coughing into their elbows, not using kleenex and then
They are the ones trying to drink from your cup, sticking their chips in your salsa, and touching your hands with their hands, that they have just used as a kleenex.

Many of my friends say, " You get sick because you use all those daily implements to ward yourself off of the germs, you need the germs to build up an immunity." I say in return, "Anyone that knowingly touches things that has germs on them and does not use precautions realizes that they are allowing microscopic things into their bodies that have the sole purpose of trying to destroy your body." Isn't that a little like playing russian roulette?
No, thank you.
Why do these people think I want something like this from them?

So, I guess all I can say is this, If you are sick, stay home. If you cannot stay home, wash your hands, use sani-wipes. Stop thinking you're doing me a favor by giving me your stupid germs to build up my immunities. Stop It!


  1. You are a spaz! But I'm the same way. Indiana knows that as soon as she gets in the car after the store or any other public place she has to hold out her hands to get sterilized. =)

  2. Thanks for the habit mom! For me the 'germ-a-phobia' life style is a love/hate thing. But I would rather be cautious then incautious and sick.
